12 Mayıs 2018 Cumartesi


You have to check out my friends' blogs, they are incredible !


I've created Aurasma for my favourite restaurant. The food quality is amazing for the prices.


I'm inserting this code if you want to listen to the song on the previous post.

Heal the world, make it a better place...

I've made this picture by using Canva. We really need to wake up and see what's happening around us.

Second Life

I have met SecondLife thanks to our professor. I had no idea about it. It was a great experience to actually hang around in the main campus since we cannot enter in real life. I have seen some friends there and you can easily talk to them by text or voicechat. It is useful for language teaching because it can easily attract the students' attention. It is also authentic, you can communicate with real people around the world. I suggest everyone to download Second Life and discover the virtual world.


I've prepared a mindmap for Altaic Languages.

8 Mayıs 2018 Salı

Why Using VR on Language Education Is Important?

As you may know, language teaching is something unique, something that is not similar to other fields. If it is done poorly, learners start to hate the language you are teaching. In order to avoid such situation as a teacher you have to create a successfull learning environment. It should be meaningful, authentic and realistic. How can you do that? How can one create an authentic environment in classrooms? Well the answer to all those questions is VR. With VR you can create any situation any context easily. Since we are in technology age, learners will be interested in VRs. Additionally learning will be easier because the environment will be realistic and they will have so much fun. That’s why we need to make use of VR in our classrooms.


You have to check out my friends' blogs, they are incredible ! www.inharmonywithtime.blogspot.com https://itsinstechdesign.blogspot...